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eutherian mammal造句

"eutherian mammal"是什么意思  
  • :Whales are eutherian mammals, and thus do not lay eggs.
  • Bandicoots are also the only metatherian marsupials that have placentas similar to eutherian mammals.
  • The high iron content and low levels of free lactose differ from eutherian mammals.
  • The Jurassic was the height of archosaur diversity, and the first birds and eutherian mammals also appeared.
  • :: Humans and cats almost certainly didn't develop nipples independently; they are both Eutherian mammals.
  • Marsupials and eutherian mammals typically have an even number of nipples arranged bilaterally, from as few as two to as many as 19.
  • It is the earliest known representative of Taeniodonta, a specialised lineage of non-placental eutherian mammals otherwise found in Paleocene and Eocene deposits.
  • However, unlike eutherian mammals, epitheliochorial placentation is not maintained by maternal tissue as embryos do not readily invade maternal tissue outside of the uterus.
  • Goannas are known for their digging abilities and strong sense of smell, and are believed to have been the main predators of the echidna before the introduction of eutherian mammals.
  • Twenty-two sequences of non-bat eutherian mammals revealed a total number of 20 nonsynonymous mutations in contrast to half that number of bat sequences, which showed 44 nonsynonymous mutations.
  • It's difficult to see eutherian mammal in a sentence. 用eutherian mammal造句挺难的
  • ""'Horolodectes sunae " "'is a prehistoric eutherian mammal species of uncertain taxonomic position, recently discovered in Paleocene formations in northern Alberta, Canada.
  • During meiosis male Mongolian gerbils do not interchange reciprocal alleles between pairs of homologous chromosomes ( " chiasmata " or " Crossing Over " ), a trait very rare in eutherian mammals and indeed animals in general.
  • Instead, homologues with eutherian sex chromosomes lie on the platypus chromosome 6, which means that the eutherian sex chromosomes were autosomes at the time that the monotremes diverged from the therian mammals ( marsupials and eutherian mammals ).
  • Like other South American mammalian predators that lived prior to the Great American Biotic Interchange, these animals belonged to the order Sparassodonta, which occupied the ecological niche of many eutherian mammals of the order Carnivora from other continents.
  • "' Hyaenodonta "'( sometimes referred as " "'Hyaenodontida "'" ) is an extinct group of hypercarnivorous eutherian mammals, originally classified along with the oxyaenids as part of Creodonta.
  • Eutherian mammals other than primates ( for example, dogs, mammalian farm animals ) generally have less-effective two-receptor ( dichromatic ) color perception systems, which distinguish blue, green, and yellow but cannot distinguish oranges and reds.
  • It was originally considered to be one of the earliest known condylarths ., but more recent studies find it to be a zhelestid, part of an assemblage of herbivorous non-placental eutherian mammals also present in Europe, Asia and possibly Africa.
  • Marsupial MHC eutherian mammals and birds, taken as minimal MHC encoding, but is closer in organization to that of nonmammals, and MHC class I genes of marsupials have amplified within the class II region, yielding a unique class I / II region.
  • One recent large-scale cladistic analysis of eutherian mammals favored lepictidans as close to the placental crown-clade; and several other recent analyses that included data from Cretaceous non-eutherian mammals found " Leptictis " to belong to the superorder Afrotheria
  • One recent large-scale cladistic analysis of eutherian mammals favored lepictidans as close to the placental crown-clade; and several other recent analyses that included data from Cretaceous non-eutherian mammals found " Leptictis " to belong to the superorder Afrotheria
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